B1 Players return

The B1 Players returned to Barcelona last week and resumed regular activity as the new year begins. Both players and all the coaches were already looking forward to working with the group again.

Coaches Didi RodriguezMarc Fortuny and Giancarlo Coletta set the tone of the new year through the design of very intensive and highly demanding training sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.

Thursday morning’s training session took place at the gym in the residence, where the players completed a strength circuit designed by coach Marc Fortuny to help recover from the two previous sessions, prevent injuries, and prepare their bodies for what lies ahead.

B1 Players and coaches alike were delighted to reunite and get back to training after a wonderful, relaxing winter break with their families. Spirits were high, and effort was even higher.

B1 Soccer Academy looks back on an excellent 2019 full of great moments and achievements, as well as major improvements to our residence, coaching staff, and much closer attention to each individual athlete’s physical well-being.

“We are all thrilled to begin this new year that will surely see the fruits of all the improvements made and look forward to what shall be our most successful year since our opening.”

We wish you all a fantastic 2020 and look forward to yet another exceptional year together!