How can B1 help women’s soccer players

At B1 Soccer Academy our goal is to provide with opportunities those players, both women and men, who dream to become a professional.

We understand women’s soccer as competitive and as strong as men. We are proud to see how every year is showing up many talented girls eager to play soccer. But there are still many barriers that stop a lot of women’s soccer to grow massively all around the world.

Culture, society, media among others, are just some examples, but we believe in changing that, and actually is already happening. We want to break those barriers to create a world where women and men can live from their passion.

B1 programs are opened to every women/man in the world who is willing to fight for her/his dreams, no matter what her/his condition is. But we have also another project designed especially for girls, for you!

B1 Girls Camp is our first female soccer program at B1. It is not just a summer camp, it is an athlete routine for one or two weeks located in one of the best cities in the world for women to play soccer. The camp we have prepared will prepare you for your future career. How?

We have reunited all the elements that we consider a must to have to start the way to the elite area. Through professional players and experienced staff, you will improve your soccer skills.

With our workshops, you will understand how to eat, how to create your brand and how to think to be a strong player, on and off the pitch. And finally, with the international experience, you will meet top young players like you that will be important contacts for your career but maybe also your friends!

Be brave and fight for your wishes! Are you ready for this amazing challenge? We are waiting for you in Barcelona to live an epic women’s soccer experience.