The lies on the sport’s sponsoring

Sponsoring is a marketer modality that is happily decanted with sports, with whom it forms a profitable tandem, and we speak with full knowledge, “good and bad experiences”.

However, around the happy couple constituted by sponsoring and sport there are a few myths that, no matter how much they are repeated, they stop being darn false. And precisely, the German agency Jung von Matt / Sports, shoots (to kill) in its last publication to clarify these myths. We leave you with the most relevant points of the German agency.

In Die Sponsoringalüge (the sponsoring lies) de Jung von Matt identified the following 6 themes:

  1. Soccer is not necessarily the strongest sponsoring platform for brands. It is Clear!
  2. CPMs marketing in the sponsorship is not adapted to the times that run-in relation to the quality of contacts.
  3. There are many sponsors that ignore that in their sponsoring actions the harmony between their own brand and that they sponsor.
  4. Only a few Sporting Clubs enjoy the attraction nationwide.
  5. Sponsoring actions cannibalized each other if there is no cooperation and coordination.
  6. Digital activation of sponsorship actions is often governed by the prevailing logic in the traditional media.

In the opinion of the German publication often exists in the sponsorship universe “a discrepancy between potential and performance” of the actions that are carried out in this context.

Sports sponsorship at times takes the form of “a Hyperactive bazaar” in which the closure is the fastest possible way of the transaction, on the true long-term value of the offer.

These results highlight the quality of the current situation. It is vital that the quality prevails, over quantity, if not the sponsoring will degenerate hasta the unattainable limits.

So that and in collaboration with those who are in a position of the licenses, the marketing companies feel the need to follow encouraging the development of sponsoring, so it can compete in the long run with another type of advertising formulas.

The future of this marriage between sport and sponsors, it does not depend only on itself. Of correct use, in ways that sustain the model over time and optimal results that convince brands and sponsors. What do you think about it?