Tips to become a pro women’s soccer player

If you are thinking of being a professional women soccer player you should read our B1 Tips. You never stop learning and now it’s time to take note so you don’t miss any opportunities.

As a teenager, many girls have a dream: being a professional and successful women’s soccer player. But all of them know that the way to get it is not easy at all. 

At B1 Soccer Academy, we help girls from all over the world to get that goal so we would like to share with all of you 5 Tips you will need to follow to make your dream come true.

1.Have a strong motivation

If you want to become a professional you need a burning motivation, which means something more than fame or money. You need to have true love and passion for the game.

You will go through a lot of stress and pressures on your way to professional, so just with determination and motivation, you will be able to make it. Think about why playing makes you happier than anything else and fight for it.

2. Train, train, train…

More hours to practise any of your skills, more chances you will have to achieve professional leagues. Sure, you need an enormous amount of natural talent, but without practising you will never transform your talent to be an expert. You will have to be constantly striving to improve.

3. Train as much as you can, but train smart

Does not matter how hard you practice if you don’t train smart. Listen to your coach, work on your weakness, but also on your strengths and don’t forget to develop your mental skills.

4. Believe in yourself

You can put 100000 hours on the pitch, but if you do not have confidence in your potential it will be impossible to play in the best leagues. To make it like a pro it is important to believe you can do it, and never give up.

Otherwise, you will never overcome the negativity of coaches telling you are not good enough or players yelling and screaming you when you commit a mistake.

5. Enjoy the way 

Becoming a pro doesn’t happen from one day to another. It is usually a long way, especially in women’s soccer. You need to be patient and never abandon it.

If you enjoy the path of playing your favourite sport, the satisfaction will be enormous and the sacrifice it will always worth it.

We are specialists in the development of young football players and we love working with women’s football.

Discovering talent is part of our profession and giving it opportunities is what has really become our passion.

From friendly matches with the B1 Female Team against teams from around the world to specific training with teams from different parts of the world who travel to Barcelona to train with us.

So, there you have it! Check the programs B1 have prepared for you to achieve your goals and good luck on your journey to professional!